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Updated: sept., 2008. You can now do an extensive search for Kuhn/Massey/Vitvan content on my site via searchforms. It works fast and good as you will see! Free downloads of very informative material.
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Looking for some document? If you're searching for books about Christian symbolism, you may find what you're looking for in the writings of Alvin Boyd Kuhn. See below.

Another popular download is Massey's lectures.

Lastly, articles on the afterlife, theosophy basics, Sacred Geometry, Vitvan highlights, can be found in the articles overview.


Alvin Boyd Kuhn

Christ's Three Days in Hell: Revelation of an Astounding Christian Fallacy

The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge

Case of the Missing Messiah

Lost Light: An Interpretationof Ancient Scriptures

Who is this King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition

Shadow of the ThirdCentury: A Revaluation of Christianity

The Lost Meaning of Death

Let There Be Light - On Genesis

Man's Two Births: Zodiacal Symbolism in the Gospel of Luke

The Lost Key to the Scriptures

Platonic Philosophy in the Bible

Spiritual Symbolism of the Sun and Moon

The Great Myth of the Sun-Gods

The Stable and the Manger

Yule and Noel: The Saga of Christmas

India's True Voice: A Critique of Oriental Philosophy

Theosophy: A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom

The Root of All Religion

Mary Magdalene and Her Seven Devils

Easter: Birthday of the Gods

Hallowe'en: A Festival of Lost Meanings

The Red Sea is Your Blood

The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet

Prayer and Healing

A Rebirth for Christianity

Sex as Symbol: The Ancient Light in Modern Psychology

Alvin Boyd Kuhn: A Biographical Sketch

Recapturing the Founders' Vision by A. B. Kuhn from Science Group Journal

Back with Blavatsky... by A. B. Kuhn from Science Group Journal

Article on A. B. Kuhn

Obituary - A. B. Kuhn

A partial list of Dr. Kuhn's specific achievements


Gerald Massey

Dedication to the "Natural Genesis."

Biographic Sketch and Preface from 1850's book of Poetry

Gerald Massey: Poet, Prophet, & Mystic"

Gerald Massey's Lectures